IKAR Sports Ltd is an investment arm of IKAR Industries that utilizes the power of sports to unify humanity ideologically, racially, ethnically, socio-economically, and geographically.
IKAR Sports vision is to lead the world in positive impact and prosperity.
Mario Diel
Mehmet Kerem Etkin
Deputy Chairman
Sertan Aycicek
Ozcan Mutlu
Independent Member
Tijan Jaiteh
Head of African Football
Roger Fajnzylberg
Director, France
Dr. Awais Ahmad
Director, Saudi Arabia
IKAR Industries is the operational Holding of the group and the various IKAR partially or wholly owned companies. Accordingly, the sought-after extraordinary valuation multiples shall be derived from direct administrative and operational responsibilities in line with IKAR’s corporate culture, investment thesis, and future development strategy.
IKAR Industries is utilizing its decades of entrepreneurial experiences, industry know-how and its global network on the management level and is doing either direct investments or in co-operation with co-investors.